Approaching toward GOD 하나님께 다가가기

The process for Recovering the garden of Eden

On the other hand, we call this process is dying processing, and later we change the term ‘dying’ into ‘laying down our ego and desires,’ because it causes confusion with actual physical death as Jesus did for us. But, it is the process to be born again.

  • Approach toward GOD 1
    Approach toward GOD 1
  • Approach toward GOD 2
    Approach toward GOD 2
  • Approach toward GOD 3
    Approach toward GOD 3
  • Approach toward GOD 4
    Approach toward GOD 4



The Sea of your Heart:Fisherman

Let’s go to catch fish to the sea of your heart.

You are a fisherman.
Rolling waves and winds shake the boat,
You should push your way through the rocking sea.

If calm, you can go to where catch fish,

Cast a net and Catch fish.
The caught fish and,
the small fish escaped the net, because of small….

How many do you catch the fish?
Do you catch all?
The small fish will grow everyday,
And, it becomes the fish you will catch later.

The prayer is the net that you catch fish.
The fish is inside of you embedded in you, the worldly things that you lust, desire, wish, or long for.
Realize endless fish is though you catch and catch.

You shall catch in the sea of your heart
the full of fish….

Can you be empty?
If so, can the condition be kept?
How much can you purify the sea of your heart?
How elaborate is the net that you have?
Is the size of holes big or small?

Will leave it as it is?
Shall catch, the fish.
Shall mend always the net also.
Prayer is, like drawing water to the jar that has a hole…
Shall do pray of faith….

Today, you shall
go to fish to the sea of your heart calming rolling waves.…
and shall mend also the net that you have.

Shall Do without ceasing…

Jachin January of 2010


Practice to be empty by Prayers

Prayer is the only way to think GOD and communicate with GOD.

Pray 7 minutes and count how many different thoughts occur.

And let’s confess and repent. If so, become the empty condition, and then GOD fills the Holy Spirit unto you.

Practicing being empty

2 Corinthians 4 King James Version (KJV)

16 For which cause we faint not; but though our outward man perish, yet the inward man is renewed day by day.