Knowing who I am 나를 아는 것
Knowing who I am is to acknowledge coexistence both evil rooted from Satan and good made in His own image in me, and it is the first step of the vision of the church.
Genesis 1 KJV
26 And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.
27 So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.
Knowing who I am includes recognizing i am the creation of full of sins.
Moreover, it is to find out who you are. Are you a chick or an eaglet? This question bears another question, ‘Which life do you want to choose: living as a chick or an eaglet?’ Do you want to live in colors of the world or in the Light.’
Although you choose to live as an eaglet in the light, why are you difficult to live as an eaglet in the light? You, first of all, should find out ‘What is control over you?,’ and you shall pray ceaselessly to overcome it and go forward to the Light, and to live as an eaglet in the Light.
Are you a chick or an eaglet?
Chick or Eaglet
A Chick and an Eaglet grow together.
As time pass, they are grown up.
One day, they look up the sky eating a prey,
A robust eagle is flying in the blue sky.
Wow, Simply marvelous!
When can we fly marvelously in the sky like the eagle?
Resignedly, then, the eagle stays with chickens.
Like the chicken, kicking with his heel,
digging up the ground,
pecking at feed on the ground…
Jachin January 2010
Color vs. Light
What are differences between color and light?
John 8 King James Version (KJV)
12 Then spake Jesus again unto them, saying, I am the light of the world: he that followeth me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life.
What is control over you?
What is your heart concerning?
Lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven! Matthew 6:20
Know you not that your body is the temple of GOD?
Look at yourselves who are in the mirror. See you inside of you.
From Satan, controller of the earth,
making yourself inside of you free,
is possible by metamorphosing yours through prayers.
Prayer is
like a mirror that reflects yourself,
and the role of loosing your chain, making you free from Satan.
Spit out and Confess.
Pray ceaselessly, then,
Will open the door of the heaven.
Prayer is
like mowing the lawn that grows everyday…
Feel the fullness of being empty!
and joy of the Holy Spirit that is filled as much as you be empty.
Shall know the fact that you approach to GOD as much as you be empty…
Shall know that the Light lives and is I.
Be light you also.
Jachin, January 2010
나를 아는 것
나를 아는 것은 내안에 지상의 지배자인 사탄으로 부터 뿌리내려진 악함과 하나님아버지의 형상을 닮아 빚어진 창조물로서의 선함이 공존함을 아는 것이고, 이것은 교회 비젼의 첫번째 단계입니다.
창세기 1장 킹제임스 성경
26 하나님께서 말씀하시기를 “우리의 형상대로 우리의 모습을 따라 사람을 만들자. 그리하여 그들로 바다의 고기와 공중의 새와 가축과 모든 땅과 땅 위를 기어다니는 모든 기는 것을 다스리게 하자.” 하시니라.
27 그리하여 하나님께서 자신의 형상대로 사람을 창조하셨으니, 곧 하나님의 형상대로 그를 창조하셨으며 그들을 남자와 여자로 창조하셨느니라.
나를 아는 것은 나는 죄로 가득찬 창조물이라는 것을 인식하는 것을 포함합니다.
더욱이, 이것은 당신이 누구인지를 알아내는 것입니다. 당신은 병아리 입니까 아니면 새끼 독수리입니까? 이 질문은 또다른 질문을 낳습니다: 당신은 어떤 삶을 선택하길 원하십니까?: 병아리로서 사는 것 혹은 새끼독수리로서 살겠습니까? 당신은 세상의 색깔들속에서 살기를 원하십니까 아니면 빛속에서 살기를 원하십니까?
당신이 새끼 독수리로서 빛 속에서 살기를 선택했을지라도, 왜 당신이 새끼독수리로서 빛안에 살기가 어려운가요? 당신은, 먼저, ‘당신을 지배하는 것은 무엇인가?’를 알아내야합니다. 그리고, 그것을 극복하고 빛으로 나아가 새끼 독수리로서 빛안에 살기 위해 끊임없이 기도해야합니다.
당신은 병아리인가 혹은 새끼 독수리인가?
병아리 혹은 새끼독수리
병아리와 새끼 독수리가 함께 자랍니다.
시간이 흘러 성장했지요.
어느날 먹이를 먹다가 하늘을 쳐다보니,
우람한 독수리가 창공을 날아갑니다.
우와! 정말 멋지다.
우리는 언제나 저 새처럼 하늘을 멋지게 날 수 있을까?
그리고는 체념하며 닭들과 함께 있습니다.
닭처럼 뒷발질하며,
땅을 파헤치며,
모이를 쪼면서…
야긴 2010년 1월